Bog Wood, Plants , Platys


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
Item Wanted bog wood
Condition Required used (must be no bigger than 8" x 5" )
Price Limit depends on the size
Picture or Link to Item not needed
Location halesowen birmingham, delivery prefered

Item Wanted various plants
Condition Required doesn't really apply
Price Limit depends on the plant
Picture or Link to Item not needed
Location same as before

Item Wanted platys or other small community fish (shoal of 6-10)
Condition Required doesn't really apply
Price Limit depends on the fish
Picture or Link to Item not needed
Location same as before would prefer postage as i cant drive
I have loads of bogwood, prob is its not cheap to post as its heavy.
it depends on the size as its for my little shrimp tank, what small pieces do you have? and any chance of some pictures

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