Boesemans Rainbowfish With Wound Or Infection


Fish Crazy
Dec 9, 2013
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My male boesemans rainbowfish who is nearly an adult recently got some sort of infection or wound near his gill on the left side. He hasn't been very active at all and now he's basically laying on the substrate not moving at all. Is he a goner or is there anything I can do?
Could you get a pic?
Are any of the other fish having any trouble?
Can't really get a picture right now. It's a white wound right above the gill.
And it's just one fish.
If possible, I'd isolate the fish in a QT - so that it has some peace and doesn't get spooked by the other fish.  Prepare some salt solution to raise the salinity.  The salt is a general tonic, and can fight an infection as it has antibacterial properties.  Just add the salt solution to the tank AFTER the fish is in the tank, and add it in small doses over the course of a few hours to give the fish a chance to acclimate.   Keep the tank dark, as this will also help with the stress level for the fish.
This is a general solution for things that you are uncertain of the exact cause.  IMHO, its best to never medicate a fish for something unless you are certain of the ailment. The salt is a natural solution and won't make anything worse.  Once the salt treatment is begun, you can always change to a specific medication if you find a reliable diagnosis.  
Just be sure that you increase aeration as salt decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the water, and since the wound/infection is near the gills, you want to make it as easy as possible to get enough oxygen.
EDIT:  salt concentration...
1 tablespoon per 5 US gallons of water (and remember its based on actual water volume, not tank volume).
Hi, thanks for the help but he passed today at night. 
Sorry to hear that.

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