Bns Certainly Stick Up For Themselves!


resistance is futile......
Apr 5, 2006
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today i got 2 large bristlenose plecs to go in with my channa gachua snakehead, as i heard they can go together. I put one of them temporarily in my 15g community tank as shes a bit small and i dont want to risk it, but i did however put the larger one is with the snakehead as i thought he would be better to put in at the moment and i prepared to whip him out with a net if things got too bad.
I put him in, and the snakehead didnt see him as the BN was dead still, but went up to him, and looked at him thinking "hang on, is this a fish or a bit of wood?" and just stared at it for a very tense minute or so, then just nudged it with his nose, and the BN kind of whipped the snakehead with its tail and the snakehead shot off and watched from a distance as the BN swam around, and then went to nudge it a couple more times and the BN did the same thing and chased it off.
The snakehead is now sulking in the corner and staying well away :lol: and i thought it might be the BN getting beaten up but i underestimated the self defence powers of the bristlenose plec!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
They certainly are funny characters Geo.
We put ours in a 137G tank with a couple of other Plecos. Our Blue Phantom decided he liked to be tucked away on the left side of the tank, then so did our BN. He was trying to headbut the other one out of the way as he is a little bit bigger, all to no avail. The Blue Phantom was having none of it, so the BN gave up in the end!

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