I was interested in getting a Bristlenose Pleco for my 30 gal tank.
This is my go-to place for advice when I get varied answers in my research, so set me straight!
I've read that they usually grow to a max of 6 inches. (From research it's agreed that anywhere from 20-30 gal is the minimum tank size) So I assume most would say I'm fine if I purchase one? My tank's dimensions are 36in L x 12in W x 18in H
Anyways I have a 20 gal that has a Panda Cory and three Otto's in it. I was planning on moving one of those two species into the 30 gal as well. But on one site I read that Pleco's can be aggressive towards other bottom feeders. Is this true? I've had my Panda Cory for a long time and I don't want him to get bullies (I know I need to buy him buddies, that's my next investment )
Do they get along with Anabantoids(sp?) such as Gourami? I havent read anywhere that they don't... but than I haven't read that they do Everywhere mentions live bearers and chichlids, but not Anabantoids(sp?) such as Gourami (Which I plant o add in the future)
Do they prefer to be in groups, or would a singly BNP of any sex be just fine on it's own?
I've also read that they are good for cleaning off plants, but one site (It's always one site that throws all the other research out the window) said that they will eat Amazon Sword plants. That's sort of the main plant in my 30 gal, has anyone ever had a BNP eat their plants?
As for hiding places, I was going to add some, I read they like Bog wood, which I have, and PVC piping (Awesome since I work at a hardware store!) How many pieces of PVC would be a good number to add? I was thinking one at each end of the tank with the bog wood around the middle. Could I add clay pots instead so I don't have to use PVC? PVC isn't the prettiest thing to add to an aquarium....
Do they have a heavy bio load? I was planning on adding a gourami of some type in the near future, but I didn't want to put too much in the tank at once..
Do they have any habits I should watch out for? Such as trying to stick to my larger fish (Which are only like 2 inches anyways) Or burrowing into plant roots est...
What are their preferred foods other than tank Algae and wafers? I've read that Beans and Zucchini are good, but will they eat any left over fish food if my others don;t get it or will I need a second species of bottom feeder such as cory's for that?
This is my go-to place for advice when I get varied answers in my research, so set me straight!
I've read that they usually grow to a max of 6 inches. (From research it's agreed that anywhere from 20-30 gal is the minimum tank size) So I assume most would say I'm fine if I purchase one? My tank's dimensions are 36in L x 12in W x 18in H
Anyways I have a 20 gal that has a Panda Cory and three Otto's in it. I was planning on moving one of those two species into the 30 gal as well. But on one site I read that Pleco's can be aggressive towards other bottom feeders. Is this true? I've had my Panda Cory for a long time and I don't want him to get bullies (I know I need to buy him buddies, that's my next investment )
Do they get along with Anabantoids(sp?) such as Gourami? I havent read anywhere that they don't... but than I haven't read that they do Everywhere mentions live bearers and chichlids, but not Anabantoids(sp?) such as Gourami (Which I plant o add in the future)
Do they prefer to be in groups, or would a singly BNP of any sex be just fine on it's own?
I've also read that they are good for cleaning off plants, but one site (It's always one site that throws all the other research out the window) said that they will eat Amazon Sword plants. That's sort of the main plant in my 30 gal, has anyone ever had a BNP eat their plants?
As for hiding places, I was going to add some, I read they like Bog wood, which I have, and PVC piping (Awesome since I work at a hardware store!) How many pieces of PVC would be a good number to add? I was thinking one at each end of the tank with the bog wood around the middle. Could I add clay pots instead so I don't have to use PVC? PVC isn't the prettiest thing to add to an aquarium....
Do they have a heavy bio load? I was planning on adding a gourami of some type in the near future, but I didn't want to put too much in the tank at once..
Do they have any habits I should watch out for? Such as trying to stick to my larger fish (Which are only like 2 inches anyways) Or burrowing into plant roots est...
What are their preferred foods other than tank Algae and wafers? I've read that Beans and Zucchini are good, but will they eat any left over fish food if my others don;t get it or will I need a second species of bottom feeder such as cory's for that?