Bn Was In Trouble...


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
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New York
Some time ago I used heavy fishing line to tie a number of java ferns to rocks to hold them down. Tonight I found one of these loops around the head of one of my big male BNs. I had to catch him with a net and, since it had worked its way so far up that I couldn't pull it off, hold him while I cut it off with a scissors. If I hadn't noticed that the zucchini in that tank remained largely uneaten, I might not have seen it until it was too late.

After I removed it he hid for a while under a filter, but now he is eating again. Do take care using fishing line in the tank. :D
Innitially there, I wondered what Bignose could've done to be in trouble (Bn)... :lol:

And then... This is also applicable to our fishermen in rivers, dams and in the ocean.... Thousands and thousands of fish gets caught up in indiscretely discarded fishing line and netting.... and there's no-one to help out then.

Glad your (Bignose) is fine.
I had the same problem but it was round a bns tail. I use really thin line now so if they get snagged they can just snap through it its about 1/4 of 1 lb line i use now.
I once had the same problem with a large Port Hoplo and a small elastic band. My daughter must have accidently let the band slip into the water when putting some new fish into the tank. I can't believe how lucky we were. I held Porto whilst my husband cut the band off him. He hid in his cave for a couple of days but then came out to join his mate.
I've never used rubber bands in the tank because they look like worms and I thought my fish might try to eat one if it broke. I bought the fishing line specifically for tying down plants too. Just never though a fish would get trapped in it.
I think i might try super glue ive seen a few people say its ok to use in tanks. The line keeps snapping bacuse the bns hide under the wood and pull it off.

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