Bn Questions


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2009
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I've been doing lots of research on BN's but there are a few things that dont show up consistent in the info so, heres some questions I have about BN's

1) I've read that you should be very careful when buying ones under 2 inches because they're extremely fragile. Is this true?

2) Is it true that you should only buy one if you have algae?

3) What is the max size?

4) What is the smallest ancistrus species? Isn't there lots of types of BN's?

5) Isn't it the common BN that stays 5 inches?

6) Are the ones they sell at petsmart the small kind/common BN?

7) I'm only 13 and have kept fish for 2 years, do you think that I would be able to handle it?

8) Are you only supposed to introduce it to a mature tank? My tank has been set up for about 2 months, would this be okay?

9) Do you think that there will be problems because I have 4 cories and am going to get a ram and those both stay around the bottom?

All very relevant and interesting questions Chrs (esp. for a 13 yr old) and it is commendable that you do this kind of research before blindly buying the fish to test your own theories.....

As I have also just purchased 5 BN's, (without doing my homework first)..... I am anxiously watching this space for guidance.....Mine have grown well in the 2 weeks since I bought them (from about 1.5") and are now well over 2"......
I don't find them to be particularly fragile after they grow past 1" as far as moving to another tank.
They are quite good at cleaning algae, but don't need to live on it if you supplement their diet with veggies or NLS.
Common BN's will grow to about 4-5" over time (~18 months), but will be mature enough to breed at about half that age.
There are a couple smaller species of Ancistrus, also some larger ones.
You aren't likely to find anything other than common BN's at Petsmart, but if you do the price will be quite a bit higher.
As far as a mature tank goes, stable is always better for any fish. That is mainly a matter of keeping the tank clean and doing regular water changes.
Stocking space depends on tank size, which you didn't mention.
Just some questions I have about BN's

1) I've read that you should be very careful when buying ones under 2 inches because they're extremely fragile. Is this true? I've never bought one under 2 inches, but I could see how this could be true. Many stores will have extremely small ones, but you should be able to find one about 2 inches.

2) Is it true that you should only buy one if you have algae? You shouldn't buy a Pleco just to eat algae. While they will eat algae, you will need to substitute their diet with Algae Wafers, meaty foods (i.e. bloodworms), sinking pellets, and veggies such as Zucchini, Cucumber, etc. I'd also add a piece of bogwood to your tank as they tend to munch on this and it will help aid digestion. Edit: Based on your other post, you already have the bogwood.

3) What is the max size? Max size is about 4.5 inches, however I've heard that the Albinos stay smaller.

4) What is the smallest ancistrus species? Isn't there lots of types of BN's? I've heard that the Albinos stay closer to 3 - 4 inches. There are different color variations. I have a regular Albino BN as well as a Blue-Eyed BN (L144). Check out and do a search for 'Ancistrus' and it will give you the L numbers, pictures, and further details about each one.

5) Isn't it the common BN that stays 5 inches? Yes

6) Are the ones they sell at petsmart the small kind/common BN? Should be. Make sure it's a 'Ancistrus' species and not a Common. Common Plecos get quite large! If it doesn't specify the name and just says Pleco, I'd steer clear and find another LFS (local fish store)

7) I'm only 13 and have kept fish for 2 years, do you think that I would be able to handle it? Yep, I think you will be fine!

8) Are you only supposed to introduce it to a mature tank? My tank has been set up for about 2 months, would this be okay? You should be fine. I added my first BN to a newly cycled tank and she is doing great. As you already know, try and get one that's about 2 inches in size.

9) Do you think that there will be problems because I have 4 cories and am going to get a ram and those both stay around the bottom? They'll be fine with the cories. They are pretty peaceful Plecos. The only aggression I've heard of is if you have multiple males and not enough room for territories, but this won't be an issue if you are only getting one. :good: toddnbecka made a good point though, how large is the tank?

Take a peek at the Fish Species Index for this fish. It may answer some of your questions, but see my comments above. :) They are great fish and fun to watch. Good luck!

Edit: I just saw your other post that says you have a 20 Gallon. With the rest of the fish (sounds like you have Guppies too?), the BN Pleco will put you at roughly 1 inch to 1.5 inches per gallon of fish at their adult size. The 1 inch per gallon is just a general guideline, but good to stick to for the first 6 months for this tank. :good: Just be sure to keep up on water changes!
If by chance you (or anyone else for that matter) are anywhere near Cardiff I have around 20 or so BN's that need to be re-homed in the not to distant future.

They are 1-2 inches in length and free to a good home.
If by chance you (or anyone else for that matter) are anywhere near Cardiff I have around 20 or so BN's that need to be re-homed in the not to distant future.

They are 1-2 inches in length and free to a good home.

How I wish I was in your area Kev.... very good gesture and appreciate people like you on this forum.....
How I wish I was in your area Kev.... very good gesture and appreciate people like you on this forum.....

To be honest I would rather see them go to a good home than get a very small amount of cash from selling them.

I have a pair plus the fry in a 5x2x2 Discus/community tank and at the rate they breed it won't be to long before I'm over run with them.
Thnx for the offer but im in minnesota :D Wish I was in the area though

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