Bn Prices?

Maz 1979

New Member
Aug 4, 2011
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My Golden BN has had eggs with a normal black Bn and now i have 80 odd nearly one inch babies in a mix of golden and black?
How big should i get them before i start to sell them and how much for? The golden mother has very long flowy fins and i was told when i bought her that she is a sailfin.
What prices do these go for in shops etc? It was a few years ago i got them so why they decided now to lay eggs etc who knows?

Thanks for your help
I recently bought a BN for about $5.50. If I were you, I wouldn't get my hopes up for much more than $1 or maybe $2 each.
Find a shop willing to take them, find out how much they are willing to pay and also what size they are willing to take them at.

Would imagine closer to Eagles price than Liquids but who knows.

Now they have spawned once they should continue, if you can find a buyer then a nice little earner.

The mother is what's known as a 'longfin' rather than sailfin.
prices vary drastically in Surry, depending on shop and size.

Small juvis (<1 inch) I can get for around £3.50. Adults of about 3inches can go for as much as £15 (which I frankly consider a rip-off!). The more unique colourmorphs (sunburst, etc) can go for around £25
I'm in the UK. My longfin mother is an albino as she has pink eyes. the babies are either albino,black and a mixed colour. What size can i start to move them on?
One of them i think did not form properly as it still has a very round belly where it's egg was. All the others have grown into theirs and have no visible egg left. He is eating and leaving big poo trails like all the babies so i think i will keep him.

The parents don't seem to of laid anymore eggs, the babies are 10 days old now so are they overdue?

Once again thanks.
Overdue for what?

Speak to all the shops in your area and find out what size they are willing to take them at.
Ill take a ling finned one if u deliver/ post when its warmer ive been looking for one for ages albino or norm dont min ill cover costs for p&p also
When will i be able to tell which are long fins and which are 'normal'. They all look the same to me. They are currently just over an inch long? If i posted a picture would you be able to tell or do i have to wait?

If any are long finned you can have one for postage costs only in return for your help as having spoken to the shops around here they are only willing to offer me "Pennies" for each and the quality of potential home is more important to me than the little money i could make.
ive seen babys between 3-5 quid, but today i saw a very healthy, chunky, 6 inch fully bristled one for a tenner. :blink: personally, i wouldnt buy one anyway, but if i did i wouldnt pay more than 3 quid for a normal baby one. selling privately will get you a lot more money than selling to a shop.

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