Bn Pleco With White Barbs?


New Member
Apr 1, 2006
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Hi, I'm new here, so please forgive me if this is a silly question...

I bought a bristlenose pleco 2 weeks ago. I had called ahead to a shop I normally don't go to, because it's out of the way and I wasn't impressed with their stock the couple times I had been there. I should have not gone back, but they're the only ones that had one when I needed it.

anyway, as he was bagging it, I noticed white areas under the eyes. I asked him about it and was told it's normal. here's a link to apic:

I called him back today and he says they all have that and anyone that tells me otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about - how arrogant! I've had a common pleco before and it wasn't like that.

all it ever does is hang out by the heater...

anyway, has anyone seen this and is it 'normal'? he tells me they're barbs... do pleco's even have barbs?

thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forum,

My bristlenose plecs have patches below their eyes where they push bristles from usually when they all pile on the cucumber, like displaying to each other, when the bristles aren't pushed out, there is no mark on the face. Perhaps yours has an infection around the area causing it to look white? maybe treat with melafix for a few days and see if it goes away.

You can see pics of my adults in this post

Emma :)

the weird thing is the shopkeeper says his are always like that...

sounds like his supplier isn't a good one...

can I use melafix with cories and loaches in the tank?

Melafix is fines with corys and loaches but not good for shrimp and snails. Its made from tea tree so is more natural alternative to most meds. If they were all the same in the shop perhaps its just a variation. There are loads of different bristlenose plecs now so who knows. If it doesn't look fluff or infected you could just keep an eye on it and see what happens.

Emma :)
hi there...

Its normal for them to have the barbs - they use them when 'defending' and fighting / displaying. It looks like this one has been fighting and what you can see there are 'scars' from battle.

If all of the ones in the shop have them, they may have been fighting in the box in the way into the country.

It dosnt look infected but keep an eye on it. also keep an eye on the nick on his fin.

I'd be more worried about the leaf sprouting from his back :)
not so easy to see I guess cos she is albino but my female does have a thing a bit like what your one shows on each side of her face sorry its not a brill pic....

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