Bn Pleco Size?

Jun 26, 2006
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When I got my BN Pleco, I would say he was about 3 inches. He mostly hides under his rock, but I saw him out the other night, and he is huge! (At least to me.) He has grown at least an inch, and I haven't had him all that long. I am not completely sure about his size, but I know that when I got him, I used my small net to get him out of the quarantine tank, and now there is no way he would fit in that net, no way!

I didn't know he would grow this fast. He is in a 26 gallon tank, so there really isn't a problem with him growing fast (I think its cool, really) but I am curious- when will he reach his maximum size?

Also, I keep reading that BNs max out at 4 inches, but are there varieties of BN that get larger? He seems lighter colored and his spots aren't as well defined as the BN pics I see posted here.
When I got my BN Pleco, I would say he was about 3 inches. He mostly hides under his rock, but I saw him out the other night, and he is huge! (At least to me.) He has grown at least an inch, and I haven't had him all that long. I am not completely sure about his size, but I know that when I got him, I used my small net to get him out of the quarantine tank, and now there is no way he would fit in that net, no way!

I didn't know he would grow this fast. He is in a 26 gallon tank, so there really isn't a problem with him growing fast (I think its cool, really) but I am curious- when will he reach his maximum size?

Also, I keep reading that BNs max out at 4 inches, but are there varieties of BN that get larger? He seems lighter colored and his spots aren't as well defined as the BN pics I see posted here.

I have one of those in a 40 gl and that thing is huge. He was about 1 1/2 inches when I got him a year ago and he's at least 4 inches already. I'm about to take into a pet ranch because he's just getting to big. The bigger he gets the more brave he gets and he's starting to pick on the other fish.
Really? I thought Plecos are usually pretty peaceful. If its a common BN, I think 40 gallons is pleanty, if the rest of your tank isn't overstocked.
lol well, i got 2bn's about 2 months ago. they were about 1" one hasgot to about 2 1/2" andthe other has only grown about 1/2 an inch. i thik i got 2 males lol.
i am getting a pair of albino bn's this weekend to go with a blue acara and a firemouth, so i dont think the bn's will pick on them.
Got my BN at about 1-1.5" in January. He's now a healthy 3.5" and is very very active, is always out during the day and enjoys doing lots of 'laps' of the tank walls. Think the growth rate is related mainly to the diet the fish gets, lots of fresh vegetables will halp the growth rate, but if you're just feeding them algae waffers then be prepared for slower growth (and a grumpy BN as he's just eating algea!).

I've not seen my BN 'picking' on any fish in the tank, he'll leave all them alone and ignore them, until it's feeding time. He only really doesn't like it when the dwarf gourami pair, especially the male, tries to nibble on his cucumber/waffers, and will watch him for a second or two before charging at him and chasing him away. If there's enough room on whatever he's eating, for example a larger piece of cucumber, he'll eat at one end of it and you'll find two or three amano shrimp grazing on the other end or the male gourami picking away, as long as they're not getting in his way!
He has gotten spinanch once, but other than that, he has gotten algae wafers and the algae in the tank.

I mean to get him cucumber, but I keep forgetting.

For the first time ever, I just saw him on the glass of the tank. Its the equivelent of a 'Nessy' sighting, I swear! He used to never come out from under his rock, but now I occasionally see him cleaning the rest of the rock sometimes in evening/night.
My boy BN hides all the time...but when he comes out...look out....usually means hes gonna boss round my cichlids...They used to get at him nip at his fins...but now he rules the roost.
BNs normally grow a max of 6 inch, i had a pair the male was 6" then female 5" i then had 2 of there fry that were 2" and justt over a year old, then they growth slowed

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