Bn Pleco... Not Holding On?!


New Member
Jul 14, 2009
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So recently my BN has not been holding on with his mouth as he normally does. He likes to go into the rock caves and be sucking on to the rocks while he is upside down. Lately he has just been laying upside down on the ground or layer of rocks under the cave and not holding on until I knock the rock or get his attention.

Is it normal for BN to sort of take breaks and maybe just rest?

Thanks. I love this little guy!

water params?

any signs of illness mate?

Bagu :)
Hi EECiv :)

I have BN plecos in several of my tanks but only one of them seems to do this. It does seem strange to see, but I understand it's normal behavior.

I'm going to move your thread over to the Plecos and other Loricariids section where you'll be more likely to learn more about this. :D
I have seen this also and honestly I almost have a heart attack thinking the buggers are dead lying on their back! They have done it occasionally for about a year and seem to be doing fine so I think its just something they sometimes do.
Thanks alot for the help everyone!

Ya he just seems to do it occasionally and no other signs of illness, when he is on his back I can see that he is still sucking or pulsing and he is alive, it just creeps me out!

Thanks again!
My BN does this reguarly. I nearly had a heart attack the first time. I have read somewhere that they do this when they are happy and contented. Crazy fish but cool

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