Bn Plec Fry, Prey To Tiger Barbs?


Aug 16, 2004
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Derby, UK

About 4 weeks ago, I spotted several BN plec fry in my community tank. I initially rescued the ones I found, and put them in a fry trap. After a week or so, a few friends said that they'd be fine in the main tank.....

Well, I've just striped the tank down, as it was only a temporary home til I got the main tank set-up.

During the strip down, I didn't find a single fry from the original batch. However, I did find lots of tiny fry from a new batch :D :D

My question is about te fry from the original batch..... where have they all gone ?!? My thoughts are that the 3 Tiger Barbs I've got in my tank have had the fry as a tasty snack!!!

Has anyone else had any experience of Tiger Barbs preying on fry?!?

I'm thinking about trading the Tiger Barbs in at the LFS for a couple of Gourami's :D

sorry to hear mate :(

I really would have expected the fry to be ok :(

gourami may well be problomatic too...

As for shrimp eating live BN fry... that really dosnt sound likely. a dying one maybe.
Ah well, we all learn from our mistakes !!! :D

The BN's are going to go back in the Trop88 when it gets set-up, with a few 'select' tank-mates, probably the Rummynose Tetra's. ;)

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