Bn Plec Feeding


Sep 23, 2007
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I bought a BN plec yesterday, he's a dear little thing only about 1.5 inches long at the moment. This morning I put in about 3 JMC catfish pellets (recommended by the shop where I got him), only to find that the guppies and platys gobbled the lot :rolleyes: I know from experience that they also eat cucumber if I put it in there. The only thing they ignore is algae tablets.

Is there any way to make sure the little BN can get enough food?
I feed my fish at about 9 pm, i always turn my lights off around 10 pm, then i drop plecs food in about 10:30pm..
Try a piece of courgette it's tougher than cucumber and might put the livebearers off,
Personally I use screwcumbers (search google/eBay if you don't have one) on pieces of string I can suspend the veg just far enough away from the gravel to allow the bottom feeders to get at it from underneath...also helps when pulling out remains if there are any that is! :good:
Well, when I got home from work the algae tablet had disappeared :)

I have some cucumber in there now with the lights off, hopefully he'll figure it out!
Dont forget to give him a range of veg. Mine loves Blanched and skinned red pepper, mango, skinned red grapes and bolied potatoe and banana ( Pots make wter cloudy tho )

Have you got some bogwood in there for him
Theres a really good veggie list here

Veggie List For Plecs

Bns arent fussy, they eat quite an assortment of veg and fruit.

Hey nyx
How do they get on with banana?
Do you have any other plecs apart from bns and do they like banana also?
Thanks for the link, that's really great! Yes, there is a piece of bogwood in there, not very big, but I might add more in due course.

He's spending a lot of time cleaning my glass at the moment, so that might be why he's not too interested in other stuff. I did buy a courgette today though, so I might try that tonight :)
Hey plecofan

I only have a BN But know of other people with all kinds of plecs and none of them have yet turned their nose up to it.

Also really into strawberries
I have three Bristlenoses and a common plec. The latest BN is about 1.5" long and seems to be on a methodical cleaning mission for glass, plants and bogwood! The other two did the same when younger aswell but have regressed under the bogwood with age. I've not tried banana or strawberries but did get a gruff look when I tried feeding apples! Courgette and sweet potato seem to be the favourites.

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