BN plec & driftwood


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Hi All,
Tried to do a search here on driftwood, but kept getting search results for how to get it ready to put in the tank... Anyway...

Just bought a juvy BN plec on Saturday, and have heard conflicting things about BN plecs and driftwood. LFS where I bought him, said yes, others have said no, not necessary. I'm concerned about my tank pH dropping too much (tank pH is about 7.2, all other params are at zero)... I have the driftwood soaking in a bowl of old tank water and the pH of the water in the bowl dropped to 6.5!!

So, do BN plecs need driftwood or not? If yes, how do I introduce it to the tank without hurting the fish and/or dropping the pH too much or too quickly? Thanks!!
As bristlenose plecs are omivorous, leaning towards carnivorous, they do not need wood like a wood eating species might (such as the Royal Panaque)

But they do need a cave to hide in or something to hide behind, and wood is ideal for this.
Interesting... Good to know.

He/she has plenty of hiding spaces, clay pots on their sides etc.
The profile on bristlenose plecs on this site and some other ones suggest bogwood to chew on. I'm in the same situation as you, nad i'm wondering if its worht adding bogwood, because of the dropping ph. Mine is also 7.2 naturally.
I have kept BN both with and without driftwood in the past

They don't necessarily die without driftwood!

However it is the lignin in the wood that enhances their growth, aids their digestion and is beneficial to their health

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