Bn Plec 3 Foot Breeding Tank


Aug 14, 2006
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after having a pair of bn plecs in a 2 foot tank and successfully breeding them for many spawns i unexpectedly lost my breeding female 2 weeks ago. ive been left with a good breeding size male and a lot of fry im growing on. ive set up a 3 foot tank and moved all the fry to this tank for now. ive also added a trio of new bloodline plecs, a brown large male, an adult albino female and a nearly breeding size albino female to this tank. in my other tanks i have access to 3 more adult males and one female of breeding size.

so what mix of adults can i house full time to breed in my 3 foot tank? so to recap i have 4 adult male brown bn plecs, 2 female albinos and one brown female.
I have a dozen or more adult BN in a 40 breeder (36x18"), loads of fry, and no problems between any of them as far as I've seen. Also have 11 L-134's in that tank, 5 adults and 6 juvies, with plenty of cover available. Typically the dominant male will get all the action, so if you want to use more than 1 male for variety you'll need to use a divider or another tank.

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