Bn Numbers


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
can i make a species tank of all bristlenoses and put more than one male in there? im thinking of making my 3ft a bn breeding tank and was wondering about boundaries with males
with 3f eet to play with you could try it, but i woud imagine 1m on its own will still work better, especially if they are sexually mature as they may spend more time fighting with the other male than making sweet love.

or you may be lucky and have 2 different spawning pairs but i doubt it tbh.
with 3f eet to play with you could try it, but i woud imagine 1m on its own will still work better, especially if they are sexually mature as they may spend more time fighting with the other male than making sweet love.

or you may be lucky and have 2 different spawning pairs but i doubt it tbh.

i have three pairs plus extra pair in each big tank :) i might give it a try adding one more male and i have 6 females all up so i can put 4 or 5 in there. there are lots of hiding/territory places in there.

basically i just dont want the pair in the cichlid tank as their babies will have a very low chance of survival. i have my other three foot but it already has a male in there guarding some eggs so i dont want to disrupt the balance :)

maybe i will give it a trial and watch very closely for a while and see what happens :good:
I wouldn't risk it in a 3ft tank. I've not risked it in my 6ft tank personally lol but that's me being over protective. I've seen what BNs fighting and it's not nice.

Seriously in a 3ft tank, even 2 males is going to be a problem. Or at least a high risk of problems. Is it worth it? I guess there's no harm in trying, but I wouldn't be too hopeful...

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