Bn Growth Rate


Fish Aficionado
Nov 27, 2005
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Addingham, West Yorks (Near Leeds/Bradford)
Hey guys.

i rescued a few fish from a mate a couple of weeks back and this included 2 plecs.

hes had them for about 5 months maybe 4 and yet they only seem to of grown about .5".

he had them in a 2ft tank ( :no: ) and at first i thought they may have been stunted, then i thought they were bulldog plecs so didnt grow much anyway but ive jus finally got a close look at them and i think there BNs!

theyve started growing lil bristles so they must be BNs? right?

ive moved em from the hex tank i had them in (for now) to my 80G community for more space but is the damage done?

are they stunted or jus slow growers to begin with?
mine are only about 1" and i've been told on here that they can take some time to grow.


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