I have had a male Bristlenose plec for about 2 months or so & he's been fine but lately he's become quite aggressive towards my other fish. I have a 3ft tank with 7 Platys & 8 Phantom Tetras. At night the greedy Platys all gather around the Pleco Wafers that I drop in for the BN & this really seems to annoy him. He will lunge at the Platys & I'm worried trying to catch them. I have had a male Platy & a pregnant female Platy disappear completely over the past couple of weeks & wonder whether he's eaten them? I give him Courgette / cucumber every 3rd day as a change other than that just his wafers which I drop in different areas of the tank to give the fish a chance. He has two pieces of bogwood & lots of plant cover. Is this usual please ??