Bn Getting Aggressive


Fish Fanatic
Oct 1, 2010
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I have had a male Bristlenose plec for about 2 months or so & he's been fine but lately he's become quite aggressive towards my other fish. I have a 3ft tank with 7 Platys & 8 Phantom Tetras. At night the greedy Platys all gather around the Pleco Wafers that I drop in for the BN & this really seems to annoy him. He will lunge at the Platys & I'm worried trying to catch them. I have had a male Platy & a pregnant female Platy disappear completely over the past couple of weeks & wonder whether he's eaten them? I give him Courgette / cucumber every 3rd day as a change other than that just his wafers which I drop in different areas of the tank to give the fish a chance. He has two pieces of bogwood & lots of plant cover. Is this usual please ??
My female is very greedy and will chase off the corys for there pellets. They do not just eat plants so maybe try these too to vary the diet. I wouldnt worry about it my bn even chases my firemouths around.
i have bristlenose pleco's and mine are not aggresive, i'll put in tablets and the silver dollars will eat them as well if the pleco want's it he will just go over to the tablet and the silver dollars will just swim away but thats all my pleco does. pleco's wouldn't kill fish it might eat fry while grazing but that should be it. :fish:
i have bristlenose pleco's and mine are not aggresive, i'll put in tablets and the silver dollars will eat them as well if the pleco want's it he will just go over to the tablet and the silver dollars will just swim away but thats all my pleco does. pleco's wouldn't kill fish it might eat fry while grazing but that should be it. :fish:
My largest BN, a male, is now 3in with tail. He chases his 2 smaller siblings and livebearer tankmates away from his cucumber/courgette slice until he has eaten and is full. The rest of the time he just sleeps in and guards his cave. Siblings are smaller and don't have bristles like him so maybe they are less aggressive because they are girls.

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