Bn Genetics


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
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Scotland (UK)
So I have an adult male albino, an adult female brown and and what I now think to be an adult female long fin albino. Anyways the albino male bred with the brown female and prouduced a batch of all brown fry. Now he has just released another batch but they are 50/50ish brown and albino. I thought maybe the colours vary between batches. Well looking at the fry it would appear that some are long finned so that leads me to beleive that hes bred with the long fin. Would that not mean the fry should all be albino?
Simply if they are long fin (LF) it has to be the LF female but if the male is not carrying the gene you would not expect to see the LF gene to be expressed till F2's are produced.
Also you would also expect to see all albino's

I've not researched the LF gene in BN's, but guess it could be a strange gene which is dominate. However it suggests that he is from a LF cross in his parentage.

Best thing to do is keep some of this batch to one side and see what happens
Simply if they are long fin (LF) it has to be the LF female but if the male is not carrying the gene you would not expect to see the LF gene to be expressed till F2's are produced.
Also you would also expect to see all albino's

I've not researched the LF gene in BN's, but guess it could be a strange gene which is dominate. However it suggests that he is from a LF cross in his parentage.

Best thing to do is keep some of this batch to one side and see what happens

Thanks I didnt think it was possible. Maybe because they are so small my eyes are playing tricks on me. One thing though is why was the first batch all brown and the second a mix? Does it vary between batches?
basic mendelian genetics....

brown is dominant so all fry will be brown, but some (25%) will carry the albino gene in the f1 you would get 25% albino

with the albino x albino both parents carry the albino gene, if 1 each then 50% of the fry will be albino.
basic mendelian genetics....

brown is dominant so all fry will be brown, but some (25%) will carry the albino gene in the f1 you would get 25% albino

with the albino x albino both parents carry the albino gene, if 1 each then 50% of the fry will be albino.

Yes assuming both batches came from the same parents (male albino and female brown) then why would one batch be all brown and the next batch 50/50? I hatched the first batch myself too and im 100% sure there were no albinos.
my longfin brown male breed with brown common female i think wld be all normal fin ill know more soon

i will know more when i can see fry after hatch i have a post on here
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my link

sorry for the highjack
i wasnt sure but thier are cool fish i just thought that maby it was but i have a feeling that shining bright lights on the eggs can cause ablbino fish but it kills fish somtime so it a bit risky
yes but my bns where both brown and when they beed i got browns and albino's so one of them got the gene

plus mine was male longfin brown and female was common one brown
so my will have the longfin gene in the fry i think i got that right lol
yes but my bns where both brown and when they beed i got browns and albino's so one of them got the gene

plus mine was male longfin brown and female was common one brown
so my will have the longfin gene in the fry i think i got that right lol

For two browns to produce albino they both must have the albino gene this is why you get about 50% mix.

As for the LF gene all their fry will have 50/50 mix so none should express LF yet, how ever crossing siblings from an F2 breeding will resualt in 50% LF fish expressing the gene.
Thanks guys, none of the albinos survived and only maybe half a dozen of the browns have and they dont appear to be long finned.
my fry doing good feeding well in the 2ft tank on there own now as i put the male bk in other tank with hes females my fry are growing well looking good

sorry to hear your fry didnt survive ~T~
my fry doing good feeding well in the 2ft tank on there own now as i put the male bk in other tank with hes females my fry are growing well looking good

sorry to hear your fry didnt survive ~T~

Yeh theres no predators in there but probably not enough food for them to access easily as most of the other fish are veggie eaters and finish it all off first.

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