BN Fry Getting sucked into the filter


Feb 25, 2004
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London, UK
Hi All,

My first batch of bn fry hatched about a month ago. They were all getting sucked into my internal fluval filter. Every time I emptied the filter I would find some fry in there (The first time i emptied it 7 came out :crazy: ) Since then I'm always finding 1 or 2 in there. Whenever I get them out, I put them into a breeding trap and I will be leaving them in there untill they grow a bit more.

Anyway I've noticed that my male has gone missing again, so I should be expecting by second batch any time now. :hyper:

What I need to know is if there is a way to keep them out of the filter, has anyone had a similar experience? What did you do?

Thanks for any help
Simple, stretch a foot from one leg of a pair of tights over the filter.
You will need to remove & rinse it every couple of days but it will stop your fry from hiding in there.
Thanks SM, That's exactly what I was thinking of doing, but I was thinking this might stop the mechanical filtration of the filter as everything will need to pass through the mesh.

Also are they hiding? Do they have the strength to overcome the water flow and come and go as they please? I assumed they were sucked in and stuck in there, so I have been ripping out the filter every few days.
Barday said:
Are they hiding? Do they have the strength to overcome the water flow and come and go as they please? I assumed they were sucked in and stuck in there, so I have been ripping out the filter every few days.
Yes, they're hiding. They like the darkness & security of a black 'cave' with entrance holes too small for predators and they like the increased movement of the water in there too with it's increased oxygen content and tiny particles of food.

Most plecs come from fast flowing waters where they evolved the suckermouth to attach to rocks and avoid being swept away. They will have no trouble getting out of the filter housing against the flow, but eventually might get trapped in there as they get too big for the slots in the housing.
Good to know thanks again SM! At least now i know i dont have to pull my filter appart every couple of days! :p
Barday said:
Anyway I've noticed that my male has gone missing again, so I should be expecting by second batch any time now. :hyper:
My golden bristlenoses are always breeding, I've had to seperate them as too much constant breeding isn't good they need a little break ;)
Anyway, watch your eggs, my babies ate a batch of the eggs when they started to be free swimming :-( I lost the whole lot :-(

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