Bn Female Compared To Male


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
We purchased 2 BN plecos at the same time.
Both were the same size, which was about, maybe an inch and a half.
One of them grew quickly and started to get bristles... the other, no bristles at all and has remained quite small. I don't think it has even reached the 2 inch mark yet while the other is around 4-5 inches.

So I'm guessing I have a male and a female, but are the females supposed to remain THAT small? I mean seriously, the smaller pleco is the size of the other ones head. It's so tiny compared.
It looks healthy and eats well... so *shrugs*
My female is alot bigger than the male, so unsure as to why yours is considerably smaller.
Hmmm that's weird.
Absolutely no idea why it's smaller and not growing. Doesn't look like it has any kind of parasite. Looks like a nice healthy little pleco.. just.. hasn't grown and hasn't gotten any bristles. *shrugs*
some bristlenose plecs are inbred by people as they breed easy. sometimes the result is a healthy fish that stays very small, quite often with a far shorter lifespan.
some bristlenose plecs are inbred by people as they breed easy. sometimes the result is a healthy fish that stays very small, quite often with a far shorter lifespan.

Really? Hmm... *shrugs*
I guess that could be possible since these 2 plecos did come from petsmart.

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