Bn Changing Colour


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
lisburn, N Ireland
Hi I have had my BN plec about 6,7 months now its nearly 4 inch long.

The thing is when i bought it it was all black, then after a while it devloped small white spots(all other spieces of fish never) now it has turned to like a black and cream camaflouged

Is this normal or do i have a prob.

Any advice would be very gratefull
Often found my BN's did this when they were stressed

Water Param ok? Not used any treatments that might harm them?
not checked them l8ly, no testers left, ill get them checked 2moro at lfs.

The only treatment i have used is for white spot, i would treat once every 3 months just as a precaution
b/ns change colour all the time
if they come out from hiding they tend to go lighter to try and blend in with the substrat
its nothing to worry about
They also tend to change their coloration and marking with age.

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