Bn Breeding


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Redhill, Surrey
Hey, i have a couple of Bristle nose Plecos and at the moment they are showing no interest in each other even tho they are male and female. How do i know if they are breeding and what can i do to increase the chances of them breeding, do they like pipes to breed in ? im also getting some L333's soon and i am hoping to breed them too, are they the same ?
How big are they? My male bn was 4" before he showed and interest in my 5" female. I have coconut caves and slate caves. I would go for slate caves if you can because before i got slate caves mine spawned in a coconut cav but because there alot smaller than slate ones my male kept knocking eggs out by accident. What are you feeding them? I feed my bns algae wafers every day and then some type of veg or fruit every other day and they are breeding every 3 weeks i dont do anything else apart from weekly waterchanges.
The male is about 3 inches and the female is about 2 inches, i have some slate i can make a cave out of which i will do now :) only problem is i have a pair of breeding kribs atm. i feed them catfish pellets, "nutritious treat" tablets, and cucumber sometimes. i do weekly water changes aswell.
Still quite young ones they get to about 3 maybe 4" they should start. My male defence the cave really well and onl the odd one that gets knocked out will get eaten. He does a good job of defending of my male apisto and banjo catfish.
As far as i know most if not all plecs breed the same sort of way. The female will lay the eggs and the males will fertilize and guard them until they start eating solid foods. L333 do best at a higher temp than kribs and bns. They also need alot more meat in there diet so things like prawns and an live or frozen blood worm and lava.

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