Blue's Nano

blue acara

Fish Herder
Jul 2, 2006
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Hey guys, got 2 hours until I have to leave for work so im killing some time.
Here is my nano. It is my first proper planted tank.

Tank stats

Size: 12x12x12, 5.5 uk gallon
lighting: 11 watt arcadia, 36 watt interpet daylight plus
substrate: eco-complete
co2: Nutrifin yeast unit
Full E.I dosing

Here it is at the start 01/07

It stayed like this for 3 months as I didn't have alot of time/ideas for the tank
Then ive seen Radar's tank and I copy some of his ideas:

added hairgrass and Pogostemon helferi

added a nerite snail

The snail arrived in this beat up condition :angry: . Unfortunatly while I was away for the weekend the snail crawled/walked out of the tank and died =( the poor guy...

As I had new expensive plants I wanted to add more light. I replaced the light that came with the tank with a 36w interpet pc daylight plus light. Much better.



This is how it is/was yesterday (the date is wrong)

Heres my plan, im a great artish anit I :look: I might have the HC going all the way to the back of the tank through the bushes of rotala. As for hardscape-I might add so small twigs if I can find any that are suitable. The plant at the top left is going to be a red plant mabie Nesaea crassicaulis or the beautiful Rotala wallichii

Of course advice and comments iare appreciated.
Work soon- im gonna be knackered
Really nice tank you got there :) like new latest scape, should fill out nicely :)

How often you doing water changes? It seems to be the way with small/nano tanks that water changes need to be done every other day at least.

Great looking tank!

Can I ask, what is the light unit? Is it just the bulb that is interpet? I''d be very interested to know as I would love to setup a planted nano, but have an abismal 11w hood light.
Really nice tank you got there :) like new latest scape, should fill out nicely :)

How often you doing water changes? It seems to be the way with small/nano tanks that water changes need to be done every other day at least.


Cheers Sam, hopefully it will be good when the plants are in there and are grown.
As for the water changes ive been doing about 60-70% change once per week. You think I need to do more? Algae has been ok up to now-I get green algae on the glass and a bit of thread algae on the hairgrass-which the Amano shrimp usually eat.
I may start 50% change twice per week.

Great looking tank!

Can I ask, what is the light unit? Is it just the bulb that is interpet? I''d be very interested to know as I would love to setup a planted nano, but have an abismal 11w hood light.

Thanks Dev, the light unit is the interpet compact pc starter-bought from here. imo is an excellent tube. Good for small tanks as the tubes are short.
Thanks Dev, the light unit is the interpet compact pc starter-bought from here. imo is an excellent tube. Good for small tanks as the tubes are short.

Ah right. How is that mounted above the tank? The pics of it on the link seem to suggest its just a starter with no kind of clips or anything, is that right?
For high light, nano tanks more regular water changes seem to be the only way of keeping the algae at bay but see how it goes :)

Ah right. How is that mounted above the tank? The pics of it on the link seem to suggest its just a starter with no kind of clips or anything, is that right?

This is how they are mounted in the tank.

Its a bit blue peter style- but it works. Ive used a toilet paper thing, cut in half. It is very stable.

Here it is with the reflector

For high light, nano tanks more regular water changes
seem to be the only way of keeping the algae at bay but see how it goes :)


Lol Sam you were right, as you know ive got thread algae on my dward hair grass. Hopefully your advice on the E.I dosing and lighting will help the tank.
Im going to increase amounts of NO3 and PO4.
Ive got the lighting setup 3 hours@ 22 watts, 2 hours@ 59 watts, then 3 hours@ 22 watts.
More ferts and the light schedule look good. Remember excess PO4 and NO3 doesn't in itself cause algae :)

It's amazing to see what all the UK people have done with that little nano. Looks good, and you seem to be up on your ferts and tank needs. The scape should be a pretty one once it fills out. It's pretty now.

I have wondered about upping the lighting on my cube, at present I have a 15w 18" T8 Interpet Daylight Plus + reflector. It is way better than the 11w thing that came with the tank though unless my current plants don't do well I am staying with it, not sure if I fancy having to consider CO2 etc in this one.

Rather err, interesting mounting method though!
Is that not a bit of a fire hazard having a tube resting on cardboard?
Been 2 weeks so heres an update. After looking at these photos Ive realised the gravel isnt level at the front, I have to sort that out.



Its still getting some thread algae but it seems to be under control. I only put on the full 59 watts for 1 hour a day now, trying to find a good balance.
There is a few Rotala stems on the left, hopefully these will do well and I can slowly take out the other stems(i forget the name...)

Sam, it probably is a slight fire risk- ill have to figure another way to mount it or mabie coat the cardboard in something. Its only on for 1 hour a day at the mo so should be fine. *touch wood* Its a risk having the tank next to my p.c...
Very nice. Your plants certainly look healthy and the overall look has improved quite a bit with each update. I think you and Fred are going to be battling it out for the best PFK nano.


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