Bluefin Notho Killifish


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2012
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I have some questions that i would like answered about these amazing fish......

1: Are they purely carnivores or are they omnivores?
2: Is it ok to feed them frozen food instead of live?
3: should i add flakes to their diet aswell?
4: How much should i feed them?
5: What is their lifespan in the aquarium?
6: Are they commonly sold at fish shops?

Thanks for any replies, i cant seem to find any good sites on them
Nothobranchius rachovii, should search with scientific name. Yields better search results.

1. Carnivores, feed on small aquatic anthropods, can be train to flakes.
2. Yes frozen food is acceptable (ie: blood worms and brine shrimp) make sure to defrost throroughly first.
3. If you want to, although it is good to switch their diet from time to time as with all fish. Flakes are a good substitute in case your low on live.
4. Amount really depends on the size you get them at, just until they look plump, but not over loaded.
5. 3 years, if cared for in prestine conditions.
6. Are they common, probably not from what I've heard. Although my LFS gets them in every year. That's mostly due to a local breeder supplying them though.
Ok thanks, i want to get either 1 male or a male and two females to finish off my community. btw are they surface or mid water swimmers. Thanks again for the help.
No problem, helping other enthusiasts is just one of the responsibilities of being a member of the forum. Before getting them, I advise you to thoroughly research, about the care needs of this species. This killifish have very specific living conditions that need to be met, or they cannot thrive and will end up dying.
You if you want to have a group, I recommend a 1-2/3 (male-female) ratio. Although killifish are generally peaceful, males of this species are extremely territorial and aggressive towards eachother. Males can be sexed very easily, they have brighter colours and larger fins.
In terms of how your tank should setup, you'll need to have your tank moderately/heavily planted, with a dark substrate. Decorate with bogwood/driftwood is a good idea as well, as the cover will make this fish feel more comfortable. You also need floating plants to help diffuse the lighting as these fish do not like bright lights. The 2nd most important part is; you'll also need to run peat in your filter, to keep it soft. The most important thing you need to remember is to have a tight and secure lid. Leave no spaces, as these fish are notorious for jumping out of their tanks. Hopes this helps, also here's a pic of my tank setup, where I currently have some Blackfin pearl killifish (Austrolebias nigripinnis). One of the rarer killifish to find in the hobby. The setup is very fimilar to how you should be looking to set yours up to.

Sorry i have been gone for a while, just wanted to say thanks, im actually probably going to avoid them afterall. i am going to substitute it for another ram but thanks anyway

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