Blue Tetra Info?


Oct 18, 2009
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Rhondda, S Wales
Ok i've just seen someone posting about blue tetra in another thread and decided to check them out on google image and i think they look stunning. Could anyone give me any info about them because if i can find any i'd be tempted to buy some.

My tank is a 57L with 5 various male guppies, 8 copper harlequin rasboras and 5 flame tetra. Oh there are also 3 escaped balloon molly fry of my dad's in there :lol:

How big do they get and would they be ok with my current stocking?
Was it me by chance?

I had 10 for about 2 days, my Aequdens ate 5 of them then I took the other 5 back. Shame really as they are really nice, they are known to be fin nippers which means that they need a big group most places say they need a minimum of 10 per school and that really is a minimum. Personally even though I only had them a few days I think they need a big tank to be at their best probably somewhere in the region of 150 liters +

I dont think they would work in your tank with the information available they would decimate your guppies and you would not be able to get a big enough school of them as well. To be fair I would say you are fully stocked in your tank with 18 fish really, the flame are a nice fish but do fill out eventually. If I were you I would be looking at an upgrade before adding anymore stock :good:

Wills :)
Yeah it was your thread lol.

Ok thanks for the info. I don't wanna make a mistake and get something that's gonna cause havoc in the tank and i'm certainly not gonna be asking my LFS for info after comparing the info i was given by them to what i've since learned on here.

I really regret buying the guppies, i've had several of them die on me within days of bringing them home. I won't be getting any more of them that's for sure!

As soon as they are big enough to catch and not be snack size i'm gonna be putting the balloon fry back into my dad's tank.

I'm not planning on getting any more fish any time soon but could you recommend nice colourful tetra that would fit into my tank if i rehomed the guppies at some point? Also would the new tetra school with the existing flame tetra, allowing me to get less of them but still have a big enough school to not stress them out? (If that makes sense)
Personally I would just stick with the two schools you have and up their numbers. Maybe up both schools to 9? Or you could try some pygmy cories for the bottom maybe? I really would say get a bigger tank though if you have the urge to add more fish in there.
Ok thanks, yeah I was thinking i'd like to have more of the copper harlequins.

I have no plans to get anything right now but if my LFS has more of the harlequins when i'm in a position to get more fish then i'll do that i think.

Thanks for the info
Ok i've been looking at tetra on ThinkFish after asking about the blue tetra (i like looking at the pictures lol) and now i'm not too sure if i actually have Flame Tetra or if they are columbian red fin. Ummm anyone know how i can differentiate one way or the other? They were labelled as Flames but resemble both types. I know i'm probably an idiot for not being able to decide myself lol

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