Blue Star


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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i have a blue star but i have not seen it for about 4 days. it has always been in hiding either under rock or in it but now cant see it at all. do they just disapear like this for few days or just come out when im in bed. should i moe all rock to try and find it or just let things be
How long did you acclimatise it for? Let it be and dont try and disturb it further. It will reappear when its ready. If its dead (sorry if this sounds alarmist) then its probably allready disintigrated and there will be nothing left :*)
How long did you acclimatise it for? Let it be and dont try and disturb it further. It will reappear when its ready. If its dead (sorry if this sounds alarmist) then its probably allready disintigrated and there will be nothing left :*)
i have had it for about 4 weeks and has been coming out since then but has hid a lot of the time. it is only the last 4-5 days that not seen it. i cant see it anywhere usually if hiding then you can at least see a tiny bit. do they bury into sand or under rock in sand. if it is dead would i not see bits floating about and what would it do to my tank f dead already. can they go for a long time without re-apearing
If its dead then it simply disiintegrates intoa jeppy and vanishes. I would suggest its probably hiding in the rocks. Its probably found something good to eat and is taking its time. If not then perhaps the water condition have changed? Have you done a water change recently? these creatures are very delicate with water changes. You mentioned how long you have had it but not how long you acclimatised it, this is important for starfish and one that isnt acclimatised correctly can die from it even up to 6 months after its introduction.
Check the ammonia. If its not up then its just hiding, which is what they normally do, as they do not like strong lighting. They are also primarily nocturnal so look for it when its mostly dark.

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