Blue Rams

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May 28, 2012
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If anyone would like blue rams, pairs of blue rams, I am a new breeder and am going successfully at the moment. I will provide rams at cheap prices compared to the local aquatic shops etc in your area. Surrey is where you would pick the rams up from and I can bag them up and everything for you. Please email me [email protected] or reply on here. Thank you
Hi Charlie, good luck with the sale of your rams, I'm too far away to purchase any and also I only just bought 2 yesterday from my lfs. I was wondering if you could give me some info as I assume you have a fair bit of experience after breeding them! I have 2 as mentioned, not really sure if a male/female pair tbh (one is slightly larger than the other) but they seem to be sticking together in my community tank. They seem very peaceful one does have a little nip at the other now and then but it is rare. I also currently have a male dwarf gourami who at the moment chases them now and then so monitoring him closely at the mo. Could I buy another pair at a later date (maybe 4 weeks time) or would I be better to buy a pair sooner or not at all?
Rams are one of the most peaceful species but sometimes they can get aggressive towards one another. The male larger, and slightly less colourful. The female has a pink belly and more blue spots. This aggression could actually be a result of them recently laying eggs on a flat stone in your tank or in a small burrow in the gravel. The dwarf gourami can be aggressive sometimes and I'm sure that's just to mark his place in the hierarchy in the tank. I would not have any fully grown pairs until a few months from now as someone has just bought all of my fully grown livestock! I have had to breed them again and they're about 3 weeks into the process and they have little swimmers already so they are well on their way. I would recommend keeping your tank how it is for a few weeks/months and see how it goes, however more rams could add to the group that you will have in the tank and the gourami would be more likely to back off if they are in numbers. Hope this helps! And my local fish store sells rams at £6.90 so I will do them for £10 a pair. Regards
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