My rams have spawned overnight in my 200 litre tank and I looking to pull on some of the experience on here to help give them every chance. I do not have the option to remove the eggs as they have spawned on the end of a very large piece of bogwood. The tank is medium planted and includes 6 Colombian tetra, 3 danios (was 6 until the nesting gourami got protective), 6 corys, 3 dwarf gourami, 4 shrimp and 6 scissortails. For interest, the gourami is bubble nesting again, which I intend to remove, with the male, to a 10g breed tank when it is egg bound. Currently running pH 6.3, GH 5, zero amm & nitrite, and 20 nitrate. Is there anything I can do in the community tank that may help the eggs hatch and grow successfully, or am I on a hiding to nothing