Blue Ram Help.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 1, 2006
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Ok, I went to the petshop and found blue rams. I loved 'em but decided to wait until i learned more. My friend got one and said they just hide in the back all day. is that true? thanks for any help.
Ok, I went to the petshop and found blue rams. I loved 'em but decided to wait until i learned more. My friend got one and said they just hide in the back all day. is that true? thanks for any help.
May be the fact your friend only purchased one blue ram that it hid at the back of his tank all day. I used to have a pair and they were active, swimming at front and back of tank, even spawning in community tank.
I agree, mine are out and about and pretty active. If you get a pair and have correct water params /tank size /otehr tank occupants then I wouldn't expect them to be hiding. I'd've said mine were really bold - chase the siphon around, etc etc.
I have a pair of german rams in my discus tank that have spawned twice. They're all over the tank and beg for food along with the rest. In their opinions, it's a ram tank, not a discus tank.

I just recentley got a pair of rams, and they are curious little creatures, checking out all the other fish and swimming around. Sometimes they like to hide behind the plants, but more often they like to explore the tank.
I loved my Rams, such character! Mine swam everywhere. The right water conditions (Soft, acidic water.)will liven Rams up if they're sluggish and not doing much.
I've got 3 rams and they are great little fish. They have such character. I initiall read that they can be quite shy and timid but the 3 i got (2 males & 1 female) are quite curious and into everything. They are quite tame and nibble on my arm and squabble with the aquavac when i'm cleaning the tank. In fact, they get more in the way than anything - they are even starting to get the silver sharks and my neons into the "Naughty Club" as well. Get them, they are great but as mentioned before, I wouldn't buy just one on their own.

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