Blue Platy Fry!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2011
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Southeastern United States
My blue Mickey Mouse platy pair have had babies and though they are all clearly blue platties, some have 'tiger stripes'. I can't wait to see what they look like in full adult coloration!
Mickey mouse platies! Love them so much. I'm really glad for you :)

Post up some pics when you can, I'm sure everyone would love to see 'em :lol:
congrats :D

i would love to see them. My blue mm platy dropped fry a few days ago. All were white i just assumed they would colour up later. ah well white it is lol.
I will post pics as soon as I can get clear shots, they're fast little things! xshellx mine are probably about two weeks old as that's when mom slimmed down a lot, I think they are just getting bolder so I see them more now. They are still a bit grayish but their tails have some darker color and I can clearly see stripes on them. I know they aren't from my red wags or sunburst Mikey mouse platties, their fry always have color right away. For some reason my blue pair always stick together, the female prefers only the blue male and will chase the others off. I bought these two from a breeder, they aren't pet store muts :lol: so maybe she's just a snob.

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