Blue Phantom Plecs


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
:wub: They had these at the lfs at the weekend. Beautiful things, and I might just be able to squeeze one in, but I was brave and walked out of the shop empty-handed. Still can't get them off my mind though. :wub: (add musical accompaniment). Is anyone keeping these? What are they like? Is there anyone out there who can cure my obsession by assuring me that the object of my passion has bad breath? Or that they're really nasty to bristlenoses?
The reason for the bad breath is all the bristlenoses they eat...

Did that help?

I've not kept a L128 - but i have had their green cousin for a while (L200)
They are a great plec (most are really :)) I had 2 that were 6" and lived in a 4ft tank with a few other plecs without any problems.
I have one of these. He's 2" at the moment.

Sorry to say, he's a great little plec. Very active and stunning colouring.


I think you should go straight back and get one. :lol:
very slow growing plec that has the potental to reach 7"
absolutely stunning once they are settled.
love algea discs and the occasional bit of meat, like prawn, crabsticks etc.
I've also see mine eat hikari carnivourous pellets :good:
Go for it dwarfgourami, they are beautiful.
We are getting one when we have our tank up and running. We have the Green Phantom Pleco and he's quite a little character!
Well, I shall be the responsible one and tell you you definitely shouldn't *ahem* GET IT GET IT GET IT *ahem* you know, being all responsible and growded up and that... :p

I want one but cant have one in with my royal (when he gets here....incidentally that's tomorrow...woot!)...
Well, I shall be the responsible one and tell you you definitely shouldn't *ahem* GET IT GET IT GET IT *ahem* you know, being all responsible and growded up and that... :p

I want one but cant have one in with my royal (when he gets here....incidentally that's tomorrow...woot!)...
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hope we're going to see some pics, Lisa!
Are you going to bring your camera round or am I going to have to fish mine out of the tank? :lol:

Only kidding, it's not still in there...
Lisa, if I came round to yours I'd never leave, not without your Plecs anyway..... :hey:

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