Blue Phantom Pleco Disease I.D!!!

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Dec 9, 2020
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Hello guys. I have a new addition to the family, a Blue Phantom Pleco. His name is Ludwig. Ludwig came to me with a small white spot on his head but I didn’t think anything of it, I assumed it was a part of his coloring. But it has gotten a bit bigger within the last two days and I am a bit worried. Is it fungus? I emailed the place I got him from and am awaiting a reply but I wanted to see you’re guys’ opinions. If it is fungus, what treatments should I use?

42g, don’t freak out, a 60g long is planned for the future (a year)
Temp: 80F
pH: 7.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrate: 3ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm

Thank you guys.. I am worried for my little friend.
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need more pictures from the same and different angles that are in focus.

if it is fungus, you can treat it with salt. Use 1-2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt for every 20 litres of water. Keep salt in the for 2 weeks.
need more pictures from the same and different angles that are in focus.

if it is fungus, you can treat it with salt. Use 1-2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt for every 20 litres of water. Keep salt in the for 2 weeks.
This was as in focus as my camera would get. He likes to chill under my driftwood so I can’t get a clear picture. The first picture is in focus and probably the best I will ever get but here is another one just in case.

Edit: This photo sucks. The first photo I used is in focus and probably the best one I will get since he doesn't like to sit still.
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Photo is not very good; but it looks like a touch of fungus. This can happen if the fish scrape itself and is generally harmless and can be ignored. However, it would take a clearer and closer picture of the area in question to be sure.
Can you upload a video of it to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here. Video sometimes shows up things that pictures don't.

Does the fish have any little tentacles where the white bit is?
I'm just wondering if it's something like this
Can you upload a video of it to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here. Video sometimes shows up things that pictures don't.

Does the fish have any little tentacles where the white bit is?
I'm just wondering if it's something like this
I was thinking about this too. There is no tentacles on him.

I actually got a response from the importer I bought him from and he said he has seen it on his other plecos before.

He said it was a scrape from when I was transporting him from the store to the tank. He said it should go away on its own.

My fish is not lethargic, does not have a hard time breathing, and is eating really well.

If you would like I can still try and video him but I am too worried anymore.
Photo is not very good; but it looks like a touch of fungus. This can happen if the fish scrape itself and is generally harmless and can be ignored. However, it would take a clearer and closer picture of the area in question to be sure.
Yeah, I think I figured out it is a scrape from the bag I transported him in. It has gotten smaller so I am really happy about it.

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