Blue Panchax


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2005
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Hi All

Question about the Blue Panchex or Golden Wonder Panchax, I have read that they get to about 3-4", my question is what sort of sized fish would they eat? Also how quickly do they grow?

I do not have anything too small at the moment, probably the smallest fish are my Zebra loaches.

See my signature for fish list on the larger tank, would any of these be a meal to a Blue Panchax? I was looking at Neon Rainbowfish would they be compatable with these?

i used to keep golden wonder panchax they would probably be able to take things up to about 1.5inches.

but other than they can't be kept with anything small they make great tank fish as i found them really easy to keep.

Adult panchax will be able to eat lampeyes and cardinals without much bother. When you see the adults, at around 10 cm long, you'll immediately notice that they are substantial fish with big, deep mouths.

Having said that, they're lovely fish, and arguably the best killifish for the average community tank. Do look out for good stock, though. I've seen quite a few with indifferent colours and twisted spines.


Hi Dave,
Repeatedly on this forum I have warned against possible outcomes of keeping these type of Killifish especially for the novice, who wake up one morning to find their community tank stocking level decimated, they then look for a culprit and nine times outta ten the fish is discarded for displaying its natural trait.. Time and time again this question pops up. Aplochelius lineatus Gold and Aplochelius panchax are both fairly large species when adult (3-4 inches) They are predatory by nature and will consume with ease anything small enough to fit into their cavernous mouths. As for your larger tank inhabitants the ones at risk would be Red Honey Gourami, Lampeyes (for certain) and possibly the glass cats, depending on their size. With a varied diet and livefoods offered on a regular basis coupled with regular waterchanges they will attain this size fairly quickly.
They are easy to keep and breed and are very prolific as regards to egg production. I would personally give them their own tank (18x12x12) or share with some of the loaches.
Hi BigC --

Yes, you're absolutely right. When recommending these Asian killis for community tanks, I do off course mean with appropriately sized fishes. Garpike and Colombian shark catfish are both excellent community fish, peaceful and accommodating. But they are also piscivores, and will simply eat any substantially smaller fish. For me, a "community fish" is one that displays little or no territorial or anti-social behaviour when kept with appropriately sized tankmates. I can think of lots of herbivores that are not community fish (e.g., mbuna, tilapia) as well predators that are excellent community fish.

Why I think things like Aplocheilus lineatus are so good in community tanks is that they ignore fish of the same general size, they are long-lived, they have nice colours, they take frozen foods readily, and they tolerate a wide range of water conditions, even brackish. I cannot think of any other widely traded killifish that share these features.



Repeatedly on this forum I have warned against possible outcomes of keeping these type of Killifish especially for the novice, who wake up one morning to find their community tank stocking level decimated...
Thanks BigC and Neale

I do like to read up before buying fish, this is why I have asked the question, I thought that the Lampeye would not be a good idea. So I may have moved it to the smaller tank. If its going to try and have a go at Gourami's or Glass Catfish I do not think I will bother. I know that the gourami's siize now range from 1.5-2.5" and the glass Catfish are probably just short of 3".

The Blue Panchax is in with lampeyes at the lfs and must be about 1.5" and very thin, some of the lampeyes are probably bigger than it. They said at the lfs that it must have been in the tank for a while as no one had noticed it.

I do like the look of the fish it seemed to just watch as I looked at it.

Oh well maybe I can try and get another tank, hmm doubt it though, Wife thinks I am already obsessed.

The Blue Panchax is in with lampeyes at the lfs and must be about 1.5" and very thin, some of the lampeyes are probably bigger than it.
From the details above alone, it's best to leave them where they are and source some healthier and more robust stock. As fish of the quality you mentioned never reach their full potential.

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