Hi All
Question about the Blue Panchex or Golden Wonder Panchax, I have read that they get to about 3-4", my question is what sort of sized fish would they eat? Also how quickly do they grow?
I do not have anything too small at the moment, probably the smallest fish are my Zebra loaches.
See my signature for fish list on the larger tank, would any of these be a meal to a Blue Panchax? I was looking at Neon Rainbowfish would they be compatable with these?
Question about the Blue Panchex or Golden Wonder Panchax, I have read that they get to about 3-4", my question is what sort of sized fish would they eat? Also how quickly do they grow?
I do not have anything too small at the moment, probably the smallest fish are my Zebra loaches.
See my signature for fish list on the larger tank, would any of these be a meal to a Blue Panchax? I was looking at Neon Rainbowfish would they be compatable with these?