Blue Orchid Killifish?


Oct 8, 2009
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Hey guys can use a lil help.

I got this fish labeled Blue Orchid Killifish, can't really find info on them.
Anybody knows about this fish and its diet, I havnt seen it eat yet.

I got freeze/dried bloodworms/krill/brine shrimp/tubifex worms, frozen bloodworms/krill/brine shrimp, shrimp/krill pellets, sinking alage wafers. Is there any of those fish foods that it will eat?

Here's the picture
Its a pretty bad picture, but it's definitely from the genus Nothobranchius cant tell exactly what species it is but it's best to feed Live-food if you can get hold of it, otherwise try to coax with frozen bloodworm, dry food for most of this genus will not suffice.
Try and get some better photos up for a positive ID.
Thnx BigC!
Unfortunately I think Im returning it, I find it very nippy and agressive. I got 2 of them and the bigger one killed the smaller one :(
I put it with my female Bettas, he sometimes chases the Bettas, then the Betta eventually turns around flare and chase him a bit to put a stop to it. This killifish is very fast too. I don`t want my other fish stressed.
It`s pretty weird that my juvenile female crowntail chases it all over the tank. My fault, should have studied them 1st more b4 I got them, like I usually do. Just took the LFS worker word for it this time :(
It`s in my 10 gallon anger management tank for now. It`s a shame, coz I like it and its fun to watch how active it is, and i noticed it eats Frozen Bloodworms, thnx BigC.
Are all killifish agressive n nippy like the one I got?
Yeah, I read some topics here of some peaceful community killifish, like the lampeye.
The info u gave me helped me find out what type of Killifish I got,
Its a Nothobranchius Furzeri, apparently its agressive and cannibalistic, great! just my luck :lol:
It's fun to watch how fast and agressive it is when I feed it, I might get one again someday.

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