once i have sold my convicts and their fry i am gonna get some neon blue rainbows so i was wondering what would be the pefect amount and at what ratio M and F would be best ?
Are u on about the large blue rainbow Melanotaenia lacustris
or the dwarf Melanotaenia praecox
Praecox are great little fish and you can easily have a groups or 10-15 fish only the alpha male develops the main colour but all the fish are nice largest fish are ony 2.5 sometimes 3 inches in size. Relativity easy to breed too.
Melanotaenia lacustris Stunning fish, males devlop an electric yellow forehead when spawning which changes colour instantly. Groups of 6-8 fish though as they can get 6-8 inches.
As for ratio's 50/50 is fine. These are not to bothered with ratio's to be honest.
However their happier in groups of 4+
yea i was gonna do that any way the sajica will be around 1.5" when i get it and the rainbows are no more than 2" so wnough room for now th tank will be nicely planted and have plenty of places to hide so hopefully no problems will occur so how many you think then about 6 3M and 3F