Well, all I could find was cuttlestone. I've never even heard of it, but now I know what it is,`cos I use to have it for my Parakeets. Just never was told what it was called. Anyway, I put the snail in a big glass jar so he can feast on this stone on his own. When he's eaten the small piece I put into the jar, I'll put him back into the tank until tomorrow, then repeat the procedure. The PSs have already tried to tell me that nothing will help the snail, that it gonna live that way for the rest of its life. But I am giving it a try anyway.
I didn't get any liquid calcium `cos they only had some for saltwater snails, and I didn't know if it would be okay for a freshwater snail; plus it cost a fortune for an 8oz bottle... $19. Anyway, I wonder, what is cuttlebone made of... calcium? None of the PS people knew and I didn't read the package. They just gave me pieces of a broken package that was laying in a basket.