Blue Lobsters

my fat fish

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2006
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wll i am concidering getting a blue lobster what do i need to know 4 these i read up on feeding and they pratically eat anythink but i want it in a community wat ya reakon?
I really wouldn't risk it in a community. It depends 100% on the cray, but i've heard more bad stories than good ones(though that doesn't usually mean anything). Some people would recommend trying it out in a community and at the first sight of trouble removing it, but i wouldn't try. Thing is, with small fish, they can be eaten, and with big fish, the cray is at great risk when it sheds.
whatever you decide, you will need to keep your Cray on its own till it matures, though community's have been known to work, as stated above, it is a big risk. i would not consider doing any thing till you have done some research on the Cray and the type of fish you keep. whatever you will need a mature and peaceful community, before you even consider it. If you decide to go ahead, i will help all i can, but you must be aware, that it may still end in disaster.
Blue lobsters should be kept in a species tank. No matter what anyone will tell you, they are opportunistic animals. A blue lobster can be docile for quite some time, then take one of your prized fish. They are quick. They are decisive. The strike is deadly. The fish is consumed rapidly. I own one. Sadly, I know. SH
Repeated....the topic is blue lobsters. This thread is for all to read. There are multiple species. SH

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