Blue Lobsters-babys


New Member
Oct 7, 2005
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Hia!!! i have just found that my two blue lobsters (male and female) have had about 100 easy babies attached to her stomach and i have seperated them in a 15 gallon tank what do i do next??? do i seperate the male from the female and do i seperate the mother once she has let them all go !!! what do i feed them and what do i do next¬!!! any info plzz... HELP!!!

I am freinds with ...a.i.m..
Sell them for $29 bucks apiece. LOLOLOL. Wish I could help..I have a single blue. Search the net to see if you can find an expert in FW inverts and post a question if you don't received a reply here. It certainly an interesting question. SH
You want the mother away from the babies immediately if you want them to live. I'd also try and seperate the female from the male as she will be a bit weak at this point. Babies will eat the same thing larger crays will. Use shrimp pellets, and mashed up pieces of peas de-shelled.

Side note, you can just gently scrape the babies off of the mother. You'll want the babies to have plenty of hiding spaces, craft type of netting works well. Seperate the babies when they are an inch long, and don't fret at all the lifeless bodies lying around, babies molt constantly.
well thanks but i would like some advise.... you see , i have a tank with the mother and the children still on her and i have another tank that's empty so i could pick the mother up dangle her in the empty tank and scrape the babies off her???
if so what with??? please help me!!! :) :) :)
Use a blunt, soft object. Something like a tounge depresser you'd see at the doctor. Or a children's spoon, the ones with the rubber on the end. Just do it slow and gentle, and most of them will be fine.
i have sepperated the lobsters into two tanks on their own! i am feeding them broken up flakes is that okay ?? wat else can i feed them?
i think their doing well apart from that!
Flakes will work fine. Also you can use shrimp pellets, and peas with the shells broken off of them.
Those things look sooo cool! What is their adult size? I really want one, what kind of stuff would they need? I wont be able to get one cause they don't sell them but still interested to know about them, not to hijack the thread. thx
Hia ! They're well cool!!! My male is huge now! its about 11 inches.
they're cool ! i woulld get 1 !

hey, do you want to send me a baby ;) ? Is it true that they need a 20 gal tank? I mean yeah it makes sense but I don't have room for a 20 g, so I don't think I can get one. How long do they live and what do they eat?
I'm not sure what species the person has that said theirs is 11 inches long, but there are blue crayfish that will be much smaller and go in a 5 or 10 gallon tank by themself. Procambarus Alleni, also known as the electric blue crayfish, won't get over 5 or 6 inches.

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