Blue Lobster

Sep 5, 2008
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Had this Lobster for about 2 years now during which it has shed it's skin several times,each time losing or gaining claws/legs.this time it is unable to walk due to deformed legs,all it does is lay on it's back (still able to feed)will it get back to normal next time it sheds ? or should i put it out of it's misery? PLEASE HELP
Im no fish tank expert but an inverts an invert, a photo would help
If its still able to feed then it should get back to normal the next moult
I would assume it would go back to normal next time as well.
The question you should be asking is why is it losing legs when it moults?
A healthy crustacean will shed limbs during fights or if it gets trapped or attacked. Then it grows them back when it moults. If yours is shedding limbs when it moults, or the limbs aren't growing back properly, then there is something wrong. If the crusty has lost a lot of limbs then they might not grow all of them back during the first moult. It can take 2 or 3 successive moults to grow all the legs and claws back.
Is it in a tank with another crayfish and they are fighting?
Is the water quality really bad and stressing the creature out? How often does it get fed?
Is the water very soft or does it have lots of minerals in it?

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