Blue Lobster


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2005
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Okay, so technically it’s not a fish...but still odd.
In fact, so odd, I can’t find any decent information! I really want to get one, but not without knowing if I can properly care for it.
I know they like hard that. I know they like to eat “junk”...plenty of that, as I only really vacuum ½ my gravel a month to keep some bacteria (besides in the filter). I’ve heard they’re aggressive, so slow/small fish shouldn’t be kept...I’m pretty sure all my fish will be okay.

Breed and-or gender is nice, simply for the sake of knowledge, but I don’t plan on breeding exclusively. If anything, I’d prefer a breed that’s pure/vibrant blue, rather than blue-ish brown or subtle like that. I saw a nifty one I liked at PetCo, but as I haven’t the foggiest idea how to care for it (yet), I let it stay there.

Anything else I should know? Do they get Ich, and can I medicate them if my fishies get it anyway? I have a quarantine tank if needed.
This is more an invertibrate section subject just in case you don't know where to put this kind of stuff in the future ;) ;

Don't know an aweful lot on blue lobsters, but as fas as i know you can't mix them together as they fight and they will go for pretty much any fish out there given a chance, they can grow quite large as well.
This needs to be moved to the amphbians/inverts section...
You'd also get more answers there.

They don't make good tankmates for fish and the more common species get rather large. I'll get you a link (or a few)... here:

All those came from google. Look through them and you'll get the answers to all your questions and some more important info as well.

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