Blue Lobster


Fish Crazy
Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Have been thinking about getting a pair of blue lobsters they have in my lfs, they have a breeding pair which are about 4inches big and teh female only has 1 claw ! :wub: there are some tiny cute babies in with them they say are hers !

what size tank would i need for the pair ?? also i understand they breed pretty quick, would i need extra tanks ??

or would i be better off buying and raising babies??

thanks !

Ok update just called the shop to ask the latin name to be sure what im getting into, they DONT KNOW its fully name but said they were Bluey Lobsters with the 'y' , thats not really a way to tell which sort it is ?? They advised they grow between 10' - 12' inches ??
any ideas ???
there are several species of crayfish that are sold under the name blue/bluey lobster
the most common is a yabby Cherax destructor 8"
then you have marron Cherax tenuimanus 15 3/4"
both of which come from Australia.

there is another
Blue Florida Crayfish Procambarus alleni 6"
which as the common name suggests can be found in the USA.

all of these can not be kept with fish, they are predators.
I would go for at least a 2ft tank for the American one and 3ft for the Australian ones.
Thanks wolf, as your local you probably know the place, its brookside garden centre nr tonbridge off seven mile lane ! cant believe they could not tell me the proper name !

quite fancy some hmmmm ... he said they eat algae wafers??
Thanks wolf, as your local you probably know the place, its brookside garden centre nr tonbridge off seven mile lane ! cant believe they could not tell me the proper name !

quite fancy some hmmmm ... he said they eat algae wafers??

That is because Andy only knows about fish, any other aquatic life he hasn't a clue.
I work in Jackswood (weyvale) on maidstone road P/Wood. We have the Blue Florida Crayfish
Procambarus alleni labled as blue lobsters. Why not pop in and see them sometime.
I have one on his own in a 3ft tank, I feed him all sorts of stuff (wafers etc.) but prawns are a favourite.
I'm in all weekend, ask for Paul & don't forget to say who you are.

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