Blue Lobster, Stocking Suggestions?


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, I recently fell victim to an impulse buy ( sorry couldnt resist). Anyway, it was a Blue Lobster/Crayfish. It is about 2 and a half inches at the moment but just yesterday shed his skin. I have him in a 18 gal tank with Ghost Shrimp I'm looking to re-house as I have since been told they are not good for each other. I am going to turn this tank into a sand substrate over the weekend and put a lot of rocks in it. My question is this. What can I put in there with him, if anything? I would really love to have another couple of anything in there. Also are they ok to keep in a tank in numbers of more than one. I would have bought 2 but when I was buying it there was only two in their own tank and one only had one claw, I didnt want to chance it. Thx.
definitley split the cray and the shrimp, the shrimp won't last long if you don't. I keep my cray by itself, they can be kept with other crays in a big enough tank, but they are territorial and will fight. As for other animals in the tank, again I'd say no, small fish are food, large fish can be dangerous to the cray when they moult. People do keep them with small fish but they have to take into account that the cray will take the odd fish (thats if there is plenty of room - if not they will just wipe the fish out). Crays are lovely interesing animals, enjoy.
I know how you feel, Ive just upgraded mt blue lobster to a 3ft tank with sand and marine looking rocks in the last couple of days (just the background to buy now) and think the 'mock marine' look with a blue moon bulb looks magic but as for tankmates......its at your own risk.

I used to keep my guppy fry in with him till they got big enough to go into one of the big tanks and never had a problem, your ghost shrimp on the other hand will last about as long as a wine gum and should be seperated asap as mooray said.

Depending on how high your tank is you could try keeping a school of small tetras or something if you want but again it would be at your own risk. It is frustrating having all that wasted space, I know myself since upgrading his tank I keep looking over and thinking.......10 blue tetras would be fine but I dont know.

Did you have anything in mind?
Did you have anything in mind?

Thx for the replies, I do know about the Ghost shrimp now, but I am struggling for anywhere to put them, my only other tanks are the other two in my signature, dont think they would last any longer there. Or a small unheated tank. Also apparently they can cause disease in crayfish so I need to get a move on. In terms of tank mates, would I be ok to put a crab in there? I'm not too sure if they'd get on or not.
Lol Big Mick, I put my sons guppy fry in to try and save a few (they all die in the community tank) I lose about a third of them when they are inbetween too small to be put in community tank and to small for cray fish to notice.
Kneish, crabs aren't suitable tank mates, which ever is bigger would harm the other one, sorry. If you really want other creatures in there it will have to be small fast fish, but expect to lose some if not all.
Lol Big Mick, I put my sons guppy fry in to try and save a few (they all die in the community tank) I lose about a third of them when they are inbetween too small to be put in community tank and to small for cray fish to notice.

He noticed them alright, he would sit there like Mr Miagi snapping wildly but with very little sucsess.

Also I agree, a crab would be a no, it would need to be something that wont cross the crayfishes path
I keep several tetra's with mine.
The first few days I find are the telling point on whether or not you'll lose some.
They find out very quickly that big blue thing wants to catch them and stay far away as possible. :X
I lost one tetra, that was 4 months ago.
Thx guys, Ive just completed my sand change over, a little earlier than planned. The tank looks goodso far and I have decided to put my Ghost Shrimp in my big tank, unfortunately the two larger angels did pay a bit too much attention to them and at least one casualty already :-( .

As for the Lobsters tank I have decided to put a few Neons and 4 tiger barbs. Hopefully not too many casualties. Thx for all ur help.
Tiger barbs are a good choice. Another option is feeder guppies, goldfish, and rosies. Some will get eaten, some will die and be eaten, and some will live a long time. They're cheap, and my figuring is I'm giving them a much better life with a crayfish I feed other things to then if they're bought for someone's piranna or oscar or turtle, etc.
You're going to put neons and tiger barbs together? I would've thought the neons would get torn apart!!!
Tiger barbs can be very nippy, they will be a danger to your crayfish when it's moulting, it will need plenty of hiding places, also they may well pick on the neons (especially a small shoal). I'm just full of good news aren't I :D
Tiger barbs are a great idea, my blue lobster 'mock marine' tank is all finished and I have always like tiger barbs but never been able to keep them due to them being too nippy but if its just them and the lobster (Dr Zoidburg) will be fine, its a a big tank with plenty hiding places in the mounts of lava rock.

He is just finishing digging his tunnels so I'lkl wait till he is finished digging them and feels safe, alt6hough neons would be nice under the blue moon bulb......maybe cardinals.
I was going to take my tiger barbs and Neons back to the shop as I didnt really have space for them in any of the other tanks without causing conflicts. However they have lived together without any conflict to each other whatsoever for about 2-3 months now. I have been changing my tanks over last month or so, this is why they never really had a perminant home :/ . Claude(The Lobster) has a good number of hiding spaces already in the tank and I will be adding more for him over next few days, he has also just finished one moulting session with no harm to himself.

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