Blue Lobster Question

I use the same size filter as I would for fish - so it depends on the size of your tank.
I have mine in a 3 foot taqnk with an interpet PF2 Filter but there is only her in there. I have the filter positioned in the same way you would for fish rippling the surface but as moray said its just the same as you would have for fish.
i have a sponge filter in there, shes the only thing in the tank, the tanks 20 gallons.???? adicuate
I have about 15 tanks with crayfish in them. I have a filter and an air pump on each one. Crayfish need more air than other fish. It is very important to promote healthy moults. People have found that don't have enough air that they will lose more crayfish during the moulting time when they can't break free of their shell and die.

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