Blue Lobster Parasites (?)


New Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Hello folks,

This is my first post on here, so I hope it's in the right forum.

Anyway, I have a Blue Lobster and I've noticed he's getting quite a few 'things' on his body. I can't seem to add a picture of them at the moment, but just behind his head there are small white tubular things with what looks like small arms coming out of the top of them. He also has quite a few all down his right side just above his legs. The are around 3 - 4 mm in length.

He doesn't seem to be in any distress and is moving around quite happily and is feeding normally. He's probably around 4 - 5 inches long at the moment. There are other fish in the tank with him, they are convict cichlids and I have 4 of them. Neither lobster or fish seem to be bothered by each other and they get on with their little lives.

If anyone has any ideas as to what these little tube things might be, whether they are harmful and what can be done to get rid of them, then I would be grateful if you could give me some info.

Many thanks.


try the link below to see the picture. cheers.;id=727168868
Ahh, i'm sorry i missed this post. dont wory too much, these are a parasite, though they will not cause too much problems. they will be shed during the next moult.
they sound like hydra and are common in tanks but normally stick to the glass and plants. They won't harm anything except baby fish, which they catch and eat. They usually come off when the crayfish sheds its skin but if there are lots in the tank they will eventually settle back onto him.
I've never considered doing anything with these. but salt seems to be one solution. Redclaw are quite happy in 3ppm salt anyway, so trying will cause no harm.

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