Blue Lobster / Crayfish (Procambarus Alleni)


New Member
Dec 8, 2013
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I've had my blue lobster Procambarus alleni for about 6 months and recently noticed some changes.  It's in a tank on it's own and always has been but a few nights ago i noticed that it was scratching / cleaning the underside of it's tail releasing lots of little white bits.  Since then it has what i can only describe as "sealed" it's tail to it's underside (see photos) with some sort of off white / cream paste  The water parameters are all ok and i did a water change yesterday.  The cray itself is eating ok and moulted about 14 days ago.  Anybody have any idea what's going on?


Do you have other crayfish/ lobster of the same breed in there? And do you know it's gender?
bluesword23516 said:
Do you have other crayfish/ lobster of the same breed in there? And do you know it's gender?
No it's on it's own and always has been and i suspect that it's female.
Hhhm, I was thinking she may have bred if there were others, I think that how they protect eggs. But since she is alone I don't know. I'm sorry I wish I could help more!
Hmm...sorry to say that doesn't look good at all. Some sort of fungus/parasite I would guess, but its kinda hard to tell from the pics. It could be that her unfertilised eggs got fungus and its spread, leaving her unable to use her infected tail. You say the water parameters are fine, but what are they exactly?
Btw that's a Cherax quadricarinatus, or red claw crayfish
Procambarus alleni is illegal in the UK!

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