I am a relative novice to the aquarium world, but I am learning quickly. I have 2 cold freshwater tanks, each about 16 gallons, with a nice balance of a betta in each, a few mollies in one, a few Guoramis, and some really small schooling fish. I also have a cobalt blue lobster in each tank.
In one tank, the lobster is brown, and hides under a driftwood decoration, never coming out, and generally he looks pretty miserable, and I am waiting for him to die.
In the second tank, the lobster is bright blue and spends all day and all night scurrying around the edge of the tank in some sort of high speed atempt to eat any fish that gets in his path. For weeks, I figured...no big deal, he'll never catch one, and he seems happy, so why worry.
Today, I found 3/4's of a rummynose tetra floating at the top of the tank with the crazy blue lobster, and he was surprisingly quiet, aparently cleaning his bloddy claws.
These Lobsters are cool, they look great and if you get one like my crazy lobster, they are extremely active. But to say that they are semi-aggressive or sort of agressive is nuts, he's insanely agressive and would bite the head off of any fish that comes close enough to him.
Having said all of this, if the dim witted brown lobster does finally die, I'll probably replace him with another cobalt blue. Oh well, life in the aquarium can be tough.
I hope that some of this is helpful to anyone considering one of these pretty, but wacky creatures.
I am a relative novice to the aquarium world, but I am learning quickly. I have 2 cold freshwater tanks, each about 16 gallons, with a nice balance of a betta in each, a few mollies in one, a few Guoramis, and some really small schooling fish. I also have a cobalt blue lobster in each tank.
In one tank, the lobster is brown, and hides under a driftwood decoration, never coming out, and generally he looks pretty miserable, and I am waiting for him to die.
In the second tank, the lobster is bright blue and spends all day and all night scurrying around the edge of the tank in some sort of high speed atempt to eat any fish that gets in his path. For weeks, I figured...no big deal, he'll never catch one, and he seems happy, so why worry.
Today, I found 3/4's of a rummynose tetra floating at the top of the tank with the crazy blue lobster, and he was surprisingly quiet, aparently cleaning his bloddy claws.
These Lobsters are cool, they look great and if you get one like my crazy lobster, they are extremely active. But to say that they are semi-aggressive or sort of agressive is nuts, he's insanely agressive and would bite the head off of any fish that comes close enough to him.
Having said all of this, if the dim witted brown lobster does finally die, I'll probably replace him with another cobalt blue. Oh well, life in the aquarium can be tough.
I hope that some of this is helpful to anyone considering one of these pretty, but wacky creatures.