Blue King Tetras


Fish Addict
Aug 21, 2005
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Sat in front of the tanks
Does anybody know if Blue King Tets are aggresive? I have had 5 of them for about a month,ever since ive had them ive noticed that some fishes fins are badly nipped and this wasnt the case before they were introduced! The fish i noticed that were badly nipped was my Lyre Tail Guppys 1 has since died,the other is in my hospital tank in a bad way! :sad:
Got to love common names - NOT!

I'm going to hazard a guess that these are Inpaichthys kerri. These are not known to be overly aggresive, but you don't really say much about your tank. In stressed situations, the most inoffensive fish can turn. All tetras, being front toothed, can inflict a bit of damage with a small nip.

Is this the fish you have?
Yeh think thats them,am not 100% sure it is them that are aggressive or not but something defo is.I have a 4ft x 2 ft(approx 48 uk galls)tank with approx 100 small-medium fish in it,Thanks anyway just not found much literature about them on the net!
Thats to many fish for a US 55g tank. Thats probably why they are aggressive.
Wow, that is heavily stocked. You don't say what else is in there species wise, but at that stock level, the stress levels will be high on everything, almost anything in there could be taking it out in the form of aggression.
Ive been looking at your stock of fish in your beginners question and the likliest nippers you have are the silvertip tetra followed by the zebra danio.Even though you are very well filtered and none of the fish are big fish you really do have too many and a lot of them are top dwellers.The stress which lack of space causes means that even peaceful fish, which nearly all of your fish are,will behave abnormally.

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