Blue Honey Gouramis and a Coyote


Go Hawks!
Mar 19, 2004
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Yesterday I stopped by a pet store I havn't been to since I was 10 (21 years ago). I had no plans to buy anything, just to critricize. I won't buy anything from a place that sells dogs and cats (and keeps an adult coyote in a cage! :grr: ).

As for their fish, here's what I saw:

1. "blue honey gouramis" $6.99, Their back half of the fish was dyed bright blue. :no:

2. They had little baby discus ($22.99) in the same tank as 2 8" African brown knife fish.

3. Most of their display tanks were ONLY 6" tall, 20" long. STUFFED with fish. :(

4. I don't know what kind of cichlids (they were grey) they were selling as kribs. They definatly weren't Kribs.

5. 6 out of 8 Rams had only one eye.

6. They had a beautiful "tiered" plant display filled with dead plants and slime. :sick:

The entire store smelled awful. :sick:

Those were just a few things that really stuck out. I didn't stay long. I started to point these things out to the 2 employees, but it was falling on deaf ears. :angry:

BTW: anyone in the Chicagoland area that wants to see the "pet shop from Hell", PM me and I'll give you the name and address.

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