blue,green Montexumae


Fish Crazy
May 11, 2003
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Ramesses....King of Egyptian pharoahs.
Hi gang,I was wondering if anybody ever seen or had the giant gree/blue "montys"
These are said to grow up to seven inches in length.I know they are very rare and just a few years ago(a bit more than a decade ago) they were caught in southern Mexico,brought to the UK and then seven years ago to the USA.
Anyone knows anything about them?I asked the person whos offering many questions but,I always like to "research"and see what people have to say.
I have a very well planted 55 gallon tank ready for them.I may have to move my gups out of there for swords could be aggressive at times, and at that size,who knows what could happen.
Anyhow if you have any info.let me know.
I know this mall that has a pond in it with huge swordtails are those montys?
Its an indoor pond about 15 squared meters and a foot deep and with about 30
4" orange swordtails and thier a few fry.They are fed from tablets that slowly
release food while dissolving but i guess that is just so it doesnt get dirty.
The mall is air conditioned and they dont seem to eat thier young. from what thier
caretaker told me they are wild ones.hope they are montys and this helps
Hi HARRIS,maybe not if their bodies are orange.There are different types of montezumae available.All of them are offered as being "pure"so,just like in the wild,no oranges,reds or other "hybrid" colors.
The male montys grow to be the giants of the swords.with a body length of 3 inches and a very impressive up to 5 inches sword.How cool is that?!Their body have a few red stripes on their flanks and,they get their name from the irridescent blue/green color they reflect when the light hits them.
I was talking with the breeder and I may get me a few,if the price is right of course,Shes selling juvies and at 1 inch in length she still cant sex them---or so she says----Hopefully this is not one of those"I only sell males so they cant have fry,sort of thing".
Anywho,thank you for replying.

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