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Blue Gouramis ?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2006
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My Blue Gouramis Stresses out alot of my tetra's and molly's in the tank.. He always
chsagin after them and trying to nip them.. Should i get rid of him? Or are they jsut playing?
Three-spots (of which blue is one of many color morphs) are naturaly quite territorial fish. How big is your tank? The behaviour is certainly not 'playful' and the situation may turn nasty if the tank's not large enough for your fish. How planted is the tank? The more planting and territory boundaries in the tank, the less threatened and therefore the less aggressive the gourami will be. Whether you choose to return him (do you know for certain the sex?) him or not is up to you and how severe the aggression is but the tank size is a good indication of what course of action you should take. For the time being, a water change and a little re-arangement of the tank's decor should calm him down. Are there other gouramies in the tank BTW? You should also note that mollies usualy present a problem when keeping gouramies - they just don't tend to get along with each other as mollies seem to like tempting fate and provoking gouramies to attack :p .
My tank is fairly new and its a 30G Tall.. I recenlty took alot of the decor out to replace it... Today i fianally bought more stuff the
tank is pretty much packed wiht places to hide and plants.. BTW he is the only Gouramis in the tank.
Is the stocking in your signature? You should be aware that clown loaches grow to 12" so will outgrow the tank. Also, the problem with silver sharks is not aggression like the comment in your sig. appears to suggest you think - it is their size, activity levels and the fact that they are schooling fish. These fish grow to 14" and need a minnimum size tank of 125 gallons. The silver shark and loaches are also both inherently intrusive when it comes to territories because of their size so they may be partly to blame for your gourami's behaviour.
Its not a Silver shark AKA Bala.. Its a Silver tipped shark think its in the catifsh section.
If you mean you own a Hexanematichthys seemanni you are in even more trouble than you would have been with a bala. These catfish need salt added to their water as they age and adults can be fully marine. While young, they are ok in freshwater - but it'll soon need to be brackish. They also grow to 14" so the tank's still not suitable in terms of size. They are also shoaling fish and will eat small tankmates when larger.

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